Refund/Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy:(Only for Premium App Members)

  • Refund or Replacement will be given only when the customer does not answer your call or his/her number is switched off for more than 24 hours.
  • There are a few customers in the industry who denies the information provided by them. We don’t take a 100% guarantee for this. There will be approx 5% of people who deny the info provided by them. So in this case, premium members can claim the replacement point.
  • Not all the customers will be converted. We don’t take any responsibility for Sales/Conversion. Sales/Conversion depends on your Persuasion Skills.
  • Previously, you had to raise a ticket to get a lead replacement point. But now, a lead replacement point will be added to your account within 24 hours of purchasing the premium plan. 
  • Lead Replacement will be given only to premium app members. 
  • Silver Members can avail upto 2 Lead Replacements.
  • Gold Members can avail upto 3 Lead Replacements.
  • Diamond Members can avail upto 5 Lead Replacements
  • Non Members will not get any replacements.
  • No Shipping and No Return are applicable because we provide Digital Services.